Fighting food fraud for 50 years
SGF was founded in 1974 in Germany as instrument of industrial self-control, re-establishing free and fair market conditions in the juice industry. Since then we have been successfully fighting food fraud.
Information and Networking
Find out about the latest technologies, analysis methods and product innovations. Meet experts and colleagues and exchange ideas at our events.
Learn more about our eventful history and our dedicated commitment to our members and the entire fruit juice industry
Relocation of the SGF office from Nieder-Olm to Saulheim with implementation of the New Work concept in a smaller space
Go-live of the new IT platform JuiceBase for internal and external users
First virtual General Assembly and adoption of the new Statutes
Sure - Global - Fair becomes Safe - Global - Fair
Decision on the new board structure: Administrative Council replaces IRMA and IQCS Board
Retirement of Dr Karl Neuhäuser (1998-2013 President, then Honorary President)
7th Auditors' Workshop in Mainz, Germany, to update and calibrate our associated auditors
Open Juice House at our premises in Saulheim
First meeting of the newly established Administrative Council together with the Executive Committee
Retirement of our long-term Board member and Vice-President Carlos Abboud from the Executive Committee
50th anniversary of SGF with 3 amazing interactive campaigns. The motto of the PLANT! campaign was Let's plant trees together. We wanted to give something back to nature and make an active contribution to our environment. Our members planted 1025 trees around the world. Our DONATE campaign supported a social project for children in need in partnership with the World Health Foundation. We raised an incredible €25,000. 3 lucky winners were drawn from the participants of our SQUIZ IT! campaign and had their company visited for a day by an SGF technical manager to answer all their open questions.
Global Juice Roadshow in the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, China and Dubai, where cooperation with the Arab Beverages Association (ABA) was reactivated
8th Auditor Workshop to update and calibrate SGF auditors held for the first time in the summer
Participation in the Eckes-Granini Sustainability Day in Nieder-Olm with half-hour workshops on SGF
SGF stand in the exhibition Eating and Drinking - Travelling through Body and Time at the Reiss Engelhorn Museum Mannheim
Launch of our anniversary dossier with exclusive insights into our team, SGF's journey over 50 years and our work
Cooperation agreement with the Chinese Citrus Research Institute (CRI), Chongqing
focused on safety and authenticity data of Chinese orange juiceCooperation agreement with the China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products, Fruit & Vegetables & Industrial Food Dept China (CFNA)
Project agreement "QUALITHAI" between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and SGF
to improve product safety and quality for the Thai fruit juice industryCooperation with the Turkish fruit juice association MEYED
Contract with the Association of Russian Fruit Juice Producers RSPS
about an IRMA service programmeContract with the South African Fruit Juice Association SAFJA
about an IRMA service programme
New SGF company logo
presented at the General Assembly in Antwerp, BelgiumFirst digital audit via tablet
The auditors now handle the data retrieval, data input and data transmission during the audit with the help of the newly developed app through a tablet. This paperless system is environmentally friendly, cost and time efficient and less prone to mistakes.SGF International e.V. celebrates 40th jubilee
during the Juice Summit in Antwerp with a gala evening attended by around 500 guests. From the first analysis of finished products on the market, SGF has developed into the acknowledged global system for fruit juices that serves the industry regarding all aspects of production, quality, authenticity, safety and sustainability.
Successful conclusion of the SGF-project QUALITHAI
(project to improve product safety and quality for the fruit juice industry in Thailand) at the “SGF/IRMA Conference Thailand and Far East”Presentation of the SGF corporate movie "Be Part of a Safe System" at the General Assembly in Antwerp, Belgium
First certification of a German transport company of the fruit juice sector
Approval of AIJN CoBC with principles on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability is obligatory for SGF members
4th Auditors’ workshop in Mainz, Germany,
regarding current developments at SGF and a new version of the audit appSGF/IFU Road Show in five Latin American countries
in order to intensify the contact to the local members and to inform about new developments of the fruit juice sectorFirst successful SGF certification according to ISO 9001:2015
SGF has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System in the scope of the voluntary self-control of the worldwide juice industry that fulfils the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard
5th Auditors’ workshop in Mainz, Germany,
regarding calibration of the audit processSGF/IFU AFRICA Road Show
in Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Kenia and AlgeriaParticipation in the CSR Platform field trip to Brazil
Founding of the informal “Union of European Juice Control Systems” (EJCS) as successor of the legal entity EQCS
in Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Serbia, Turkey and UcraineFirst SGF Broker Workshop in Hamburg, Germany
with working groups on Food Safety Management System, HACCP, Organic Products, Pesticides and the Purchase of Non-System GoodsCo-operation Agreement with ABA Arab Beverages Association
gives SGF the mandate to control the products that are produced by our members for the Arabian market including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and EgyptRelease of the new member service FFVA
(Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment) to assess the probability of food fraud for single fuit types
6th Auditors’ workshop in Mainz, Germany,
regarding current developments at SGF, new audit checklists and the calibration of the audit processStart of remote audits due to the Corona pandemia
Go-live of the new SGF website
SGF/IFU Roadshow for the first time in an online version for Europe and Africa, Asia and America
New layout of the SGF News
Start of SGF hygiene audits
following a hygiene checklist for all members of the group IRMA/ProcessingStart of Quality Initiative South and East Europe(SGF/Quisee)
with the goal to initiate local control systems in the EU candidate countries in East-Europe and to support the set-up of such systems in South-Europe
SGF data base published on the SGF Website
on the basis of values from authentic samples from all over the worldThe fruit juice industries of Sweden and Ireland
join SGF/RQCS to be involved in SGF market and bottler/packer controlsStart of EU research project "Pure Juice"
under the leadership of SGF
SGF/IRMA Code of Conduct (CoC) implemented
Central issues in the Code of Conduct include among others working time regulations, the payment of appropriate wages, the prohibition of child and forced labour and the ban on discrimination. The Code of Conduct also covers sustainability issues related to the environment.
Success of the Code of Conduct
Since its introduction in 2007, the Code of Conduct has been endorsed by 90% of all SGF raw material suppliers and traders.Change of name of the market and bottler control system
RQCS (Regional Quality Control System) in IQCS (International Quality Control System)"2008 Industrial Award" for the SGF-Profiling
as efficient pre-screening in fruit juice analysis in the category industrial automationCooperation between GlobalG.A.P. and SGF International e.V.
in the area of safeguarding minimum ecological and social standards on the level of fruit farmers and suppliers in the fruit juice industry
Restructuring of the EQCS (European Quality Control System)
Changing from the legal form of a European Economic Interest Group (EEIG) into the legal form of a non-profit organization under Belgian law (AISBL – Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) with new statutes and guidelinesMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) for long term cooperation between CIQA and SGF
From now on, the China Inspection Authority for Import and Export (CIQA) advises all China’s fruit processors to join the SGF, participate in the SGF/IRMA control system and comply with the IRMA audit and inspection standards. Furthermore, all Chinese importers of concentrated fruit juice, purees etc. are advised to purchase from suppliers audited by SGF/IRMAFoundation of the Quality Juice Foundation (QJF)
with headquarters in Mainz. The QJF assumes the SGF’s assets in the improbable event of the SGF going into liquidation20th anniversary of international raw material control by SGF
SGF/IRMA (International Raw Material Assurance), founded in 1989. The successful work of industrial self-control is being presented by a five-minute video clip
Cooperation between CBIA (China Beverage Industry Association) and SGF
Based on mutual association membership the quality of fruit juices and their raw materials on the Chinese market shall be assuredMutual membership between CitrusBR and SGF
The Brazilian Association of Citrus Exporters (CitrusBR) and SGF support the philosophy and commitment of the corresponding partner associationFirst SGF/IRMA auditor’s workshop
to share experience and complete a training programme. In future, it will be held every two years.
Presentation of FLAIR/BCR project in Parma
Within the scope of a scientific symposium, SGF presents the results of its EU sponsored study in advanced methods for fruit juice analysis.Cooperation of SGF/IRMA with the Swedish fruit juice industry
After Austria, Sweden is making use of the SGF/IRMA service.EQCS (European Quality Control System)
European control system from different EU countries join under the umbrella of the EQCS.
Publication: "Steckbrief für Orangensäfte" by VdF
The "Steckbrief" (Wanted poster) contains standard values and ranges for certain reference numbers (RSK values, Richtwerte und Schwankungsbreiten bestimmter Kennzahlen) for analytical evaluation of products. The self-control of SGF has scored first success. Major quality defects are being eliminated using legal assistance.